Thursday, July 6, 2023


Every year around May I begin to see my word of the year pop up.  I have done Word of the Year for several years (probably close to 10) While many people choose their words on January 1st- me being a teacher my word goes with the school year.  

I am a super busy person (if you have followed me for any time you know that) but this last May and June- I bit off more than I could chew. I got it all done- but I was super exhausted in the process. In comes my word of the year.

Now- before I go any farther- I am still doing Girl Scouts, I am still doing Destination ImagiNation.. and I am still working.  

My word Pause is:
- a reminder to take a moment before I get overwhelmed with something that more than likely I will not be able to change
- to be intentional about what I do with my extra time
- to pause and say no when deep down I know it is okay to say no
- but most importantly- to pause and make time for MYSELF

How have I already started using my word:
-intentionally meeting up with friends
-taking time to take care of myself physically and mentally (I have found paddle boarding and love it!)

Now just like any word or goal.. there are going to be days where I forget.. but this is a good word to make me stop and PAUSE.

Do you have a word of the year?

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