Thursday, March 19, 2020

Thursday March 19, 2020

I have started only watching the news in the morning and then again in the afternoon.  The COVID-19 is on every news station, every Facebook story, almost every tweet/Instagram/Tik Tok.  However, what I also see a ton of is teachers curating resources, librarians sharing where to find books and read alouds, families reaching out to see how we can help each other (by keeping a 6 food distance), and the reminder to help small businesses that are now facing some major uncertainty.  

Today, without an alarm, I was awake by 7am (remember.. I am still on spring break)  I didn't watch Frozen 2 last night.. so I made myself a cup of coffee and muffin and sat down to watch a movie.

I loved every bit of it Frozen 2- I do believe I will be watching it again. Also, Olaf is my spirit animal.  I could totally be Olaf, I am not as funny.. but I am totally that awkward friend that is always happy even when I am not. I loved it! I also think that much of what is going on in Frozen 2 had good reminders that we can make it through right now.
This was one of my favorites of Olaf (although.. there were SO many more!)

I didn't get any Tik Toks made, but I did get a video created and shared in one of my Girl Scout groups.  I am a Girl Scout leader for a multi-level troop that has Brownies, Juniors and Cadettes (I have 30 girls!) I sort of love it.. and I am really missing my normal routine of leading them. Our next meeting wasn't going to be until March 30th, but we have cancelled that and are unsure when our next meeting will be.  One of the members posed the question if as leaders we were sending information/badges/things to work on home.  I emailed my parents and asked them these three questions:
1- Would you be interested in a virtual meeting?
2- Would you be interested in some badge work/patch work that you can do at home?
3- Would you be interested in joining a Google Classroom where I can house all of this?
I got a huge YES! Now, I also prefaced the email with I will post stuff and send stuff.. but it is completely optional and you and your family can do as little or as much they like.  This morning I created 3 Google classrooms and then recorded a video to share how I created these to the Girl Scout group.

After I posted the video I got so much feedback about sharing it, I asked if they would be interested in other how I organize my meetings and life through Google (because that is where I live!) So, it looks like I will be creating some more videos.  I used to make videos all the time, so today was nice to get back to that.  

Happy Heart for the Day:
-Creating Google Classrooms for my Girl Scout troop
-Creating a useful video for others to use (that made me feel really good)
-Finishing the guest bedroom- the closet and bedroom look amazing! 
-Watching Frozen 2
-Organizing my closet

Plans for tomorrow:
-send hubby off to work and not stress all day about this
-Tik Tok
-Kitchen is on the agenda for tomorrow!
-Record videos for using Google Drive and Girl Scouts- how I stay organized

I have also seen many teachers reminding students to write down how they are feeling and create journals of what they are seeing. This blog is a place for me to share what is on my mind, news, and reminders of our current situation.  I am also using this as a place to help with my own anxiety. There have been many breaks where I have decided that I am not leaving the house (because I am not good at slowing down)  I do always end up leaving.. but right now with no choice of leaving the house, funds are low, and there is so much uncertainty makes it hard. I am thankful to my friends that I get to chat with through various messaging apps. I hope that if you are reading this, you are doing things to take care of yourself too!

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