Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Adventures in the Kitchen- Bowtie Pasta Salad

I don't have many recipes that I know off the top of my head- but my Bowtie Pasta Salad is one that I haven't used an actual recipe in forever.

Even better- it is only 5 ingredients.  You can add more if you want,  but with only 5 ingredients it is usually under $10!  I know I found this recipe on the internet probably 10 years ago- but I don't remember where.

-Balsamic Vinegar (1/4 cup- or you can also eye it)
-2 or 3 Roma Tomatoes
-Green Onions
-Container of crumble feta
-box of bowtie pasta

1. Prepare pasta to al dente or soft
2. While pasta is preparing dice tomatoes and green onion
3. Combine finished pasta, tomatoes, onions, feta, Balsamic vinegar in a bowl with a lid and shake
4. Put in fridge to cool- before serving- shake again

Other Options:
-add more or less balsamic vinegar as wanted 
-add a little of vegetable oil
-add salt/pepper
-add salami 

I love this salad during the spring and summer. I also love it because it is cheap to make and doesn't take very long.  

Monday, July 15, 2024

Adventures in the Kitchen- “MEXICAN STREET CORN” SOUP

 I don't know about you- but my schedule gets super busy- and I HATE trying to figure out what to cook!

I also know that my budget and waistline prefer that I eat at home.  This year with my word Adventure- I am going to be documenting my Adventures in the Kitchen!

I loved Nicole Graham (amazing librarian.. and great ideas!) of doing Soup on Sunday.  Thanks to Pinterest I found some easy summer soups (well- they say easy)

Before I get too much farther in my first Souper Sunday- I wanted to share how I keep cooking and all the things organized. I do pay for the app Family Wall.  It works across platforms, I can access all my calendars, I can create lists, and there is a menu planner. Even better with the menu planner- I can put a link in and it will add it to my recipes.  After choosing a recipe for a day- I can also add items directly to my shopping list.  It is a win win! As you can see in the picture- on my menu planner page it also tells me what is happening that day.  I also work in the evenings- so this helps with my menu planning as well!

Many of my recipes will come from other areas- if you want the full recipe- click on the links.  I am going to give some of my changes below.


RECIPE FOUND HERE----------->Striped Spatula


When I found this recipe, my plan was just to use canned corn- but then after reading about it- I realized that I really needed corn on the cob.  Also- this recipe says it only takes 15 minutes to make- I know I am not the best in the kitchen- but that is a lie!

-I did go ahead and use corn off the cob
-I used the idea of using parmesan instead of the Cojita (I was going with what I already had on hand)
-I for the most part followed the recipe, but instead of continue to cook on the stove- I did move it over to a crockpot and kept it on warm

I will absolutely be doing this recipe again! I had very little leftovers.

Friday, July 12, 2024


 What a whirlwind of a year last year was.  Did I Pause as in stop doing everything I usually do- that would be a negative.  I don't do well sitting still.  Did I Pause and not get so overwhelmed last year and enjoy the small things- YES!

As I have written before, I choose a word of the year in May or June.  This year, my word came to me a little sooner. 

As many of my readers know- I am a school librarian.  If you have been keeping up with things in education.. you know that it has been pretty tough between budget cuts and more expectations.  In April my district had major budget cuts and librarians were one of them.  We have gone from one librarian per campus to a librarian for two campuses.  My role will be a little different as I will be a librarian at a high school and a flexible floater in order to support the district.  

To say that I am nervous.. I absolutely am.  BUT.. this is also where my word came in.  My word for this year is Adventure.

I started off BIG with this word this summer! I had the chance to chaperone an AMAZING trip to Japan with a group of almost 70 people.  It was my first time to travel to a different country.  In July my adventure was to see my best friend in Virginia.   My current adventure is teaching swim lessons and water aerobics at an outdoor pool.

As I begin my 20th year in my current district.. and my 23rd in education I am going to look at this challenge as an adventure.  Life can be so very tough... but it is okay to find adventures and the good in your life daily.  I also am going to look at this year as ADVENTURE to advocate for reading, libraries, and librarians.

The theme for my library this year- Reading Rainbow! More info to come soon.

What is your word for this year?

Sunday, July 16, 2023

My Top 5 Adventures of the Year

Summer is over in just a couple of weeks for me.. and I finally had a chance to slow down for a minute and reflect on what an AMAZING year July 2022-July 2023 was.
I do have to say.. me being the Busy Bee.. I was very much the busiest I have been in several years. I won't trade the memories for anything.. but I am excited about my word of the year- PAUSE!

Here are my favorite things of the year!

# 1- Traveling with my Girl Scout Troops

Last July Troop 1810 made a Road Trip to Canyon, Texas. 

In November Troop 6458 headed to New York. 

# 2- Becoming a TALL Texan

#29 on my #50by50 list was to become a TALL Texan.  The TALL Texan is a leadership institute for librarians.  Every year they only accept 30-32 librarians from all different backgrounds and all different areas of Texas.  Once accepted, I was able to attend an intensive leadership retreat where I learned from and with some of the best of the best.  I don't know if I will ever be able to fully put into words what this experience did for my confidence and leadership skills (and the friendships that I created!)

#3- Celebrating my Parent's 50th Wedding Anniversary.

What a privilege was to celebrate my parent's 50th wedding anniversary in November (also- if you are keeping track.. November was CRAZY busy! TALL Texan, New York, and celebrating an anniversary.. I got some miles in!) I am so lucky to have amazing parents that continue to teach me kindness and grit. (I mean- my parents are Mr. and Mrs. Claus!)

#4- Successful Season of Destination ImagiNation

The Flock made it to Globals!! Let me tell you about this team though. The Flock is actually 2 teams- The Nerdy Birdys (who were Seniors that I have been hanging out with since they were 3rd graders) and the PEEPS (who were Juniors and I have also been hanging out with since they were 3rd grade) Each team did their own challenge.. and then combined together to do a second challenge.  Their second challenge was a service learning project.  Another huge milestone in DI this year for me was starting a team at my new school- and they placed 2nd in their category.

#5- The Groundbreaking of the Kylie Hiner Memorial Playground

I know I have said it before- but I am SO lucky to know all of the amazing families that I know.  The Hiners hold a VERY special place in my heart.  You can read about my friend Kylie here  In October they had the groundbreaking for the Kylie Hiner Memorial Playground- which will be an adaptive playground.  I hear that it is super close to being ready- and I can't wait to see it in person.  Want to follow along- Check it out here

Honorable Mention- 
Doing a TikTok with Kelly Yang!! I was super lucky to be invited (thanks Amanda)

There were SO many more things that happened this year, it was hard to narrow it down to 5. I can't wait to see what adventures this year brings.. but I am also excited about taking some time to Pause. 

Thursday, July 6, 2023


Every year around May I begin to see my word of the year pop up.  I have done Word of the Year for several years (probably close to 10) While many people choose their words on January 1st- me being a teacher my word goes with the school year.  

I am a super busy person (if you have followed me for any time you know that) but this last May and June- I bit off more than I could chew. I got it all done- but I was super exhausted in the process. In comes my word of the year.

Now- before I go any farther- I am still doing Girl Scouts, I am still doing Destination ImagiNation.. and I am still working.  

My word Pause is:
- a reminder to take a moment before I get overwhelmed with something that more than likely I will not be able to change
- to be intentional about what I do with my extra time
- to pause and say no when deep down I know it is okay to say no
- but most importantly- to pause and make time for MYSELF

How have I already started using my word:
-intentionally meeting up with friends
-taking time to take care of myself physically and mentally (I have found paddle boarding and love it!)

Now just like any word or goal.. there are going to be days where I forget.. but this is a good word to make me stop and PAUSE.

Do you have a word of the year?

Monday, April 24, 2023

National Infertility Week 2023-Impact

This year has been full of new work adventures, adventures with my Girl Scout Troops and library adventures.  This week, however, is a time when I reflect on National Infertility Week and share a piece of my own journey.  You can find my previous blog here (although more are linked)

I have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome).  When my husband and I first got married we tried for about 10 years to start a family.  This was through medication, doctor appointments, shots, and more.  Our funding could never cover IVF. Once we realized our journey was not going to include children of our own, I had to find other ways to have the same "experiences" that a parent might have.  6 years ago I was able to help Girl Scout Troop 1810 start a 3rd generation troop.

Last year I wrote about how I wanted experiences as a parent.  Experiences that might include going on vacations together, watching your child grow up, experiencing new things, attending after-school activities, participating in events, and more.  As I think about the experiences that I want, I am so thankful to have people in my life that allow me to have these kinds of experiences.  This year I had the adventure of taking one of my troops to New York and bridging on the Brooklyn Bridge.  I had another adventure of taking one of my troops to Canyon, Texas (my hometown)  

I would not change either of these experiences for anything, but it was not lost on me how important my trip to Canyon was.  I will never have the opportunity to take my own child to visit my hometown.  I will never have the opportunity to have my children meet my parents and see where I grew up. What I did have though- was a troop that was ready to go on an adventure!  We had an amazing time (you can read about it here) But the part that hit me the hardest was the first night there.  I grew up in the country with lots of acres of land.  My parents invited the troop out for stargazing.  My parents made homemade ice cream, and we laid blankets out in the field and watched the stars.  I am so thankful for my troop that gave me that core memory of experiences that I might not have had otherwise.  I will never have this opportunity with my own child, but thanks to my troop I was able to have it with over 15 girls and moms.

My last blog was called Experiences- and I have had many... this blog is called Impact.

Sometimes I get teary-eyed when I think about some of the experiences that I won't have, but I also get teary-eyed thinking about the impact I am making.  Parents have a huge impact on how children grow up and access the world and ideas. I am so thankful for the different organizations that I am with that are impacting my local community and beyond.  My 6458 Troop earned their Silver Award by hosting a whole Mental Health workshop for teens (and building a website) One of my Destination ImagiNation teams built a website and learned how to create switch-activated toys.  One of my Destination ImagiNation teams learned about Project PASS which is part of our district that works with students that are displaced or homeless.  They did a whole coat drive.  Part of my 1810 troop is also starting their Silver Award and are talking about how to help students with phone addiction (this is only a small list of the change these kids are making!)

There are times when I get super sad as I walk through the children's section at a store.  I still have a hard time going to baby showers.  I get in my feels on Mother's Day (I am human)  There are other times that I get super sad about the things I am not going to be able to have or to be able to do.  

There are other times when I look around and I get in my feels for the things I am able to do. I might not have a child of my own walk across a stage at graduation.. but in the meantime, I will take senior photos for seniors and watch my Nerdy Birdys cross the stage in June.  I might not have a child get an award at an end of the year function, but I have amazing parents that invite me to theirs.

If you have friends that are working through their own infertility journies- just know that some days it is really.. really.. really tough.  I am so very thankful for all the friends and parents that invite me into the lives of their own children so I can have experiences and hopefully continue to make an impact.

To those that are going through any form of infertility- know that I see you.. and I wish you luck on wherever you are in the journye.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

New York, New York

 Did you just sing that in your head? I have been singing it since the end of February I think when Troop 6458 decided that is where they wanted to go.


-I run two troops.  This troop has been together since they were in elementary school and are now a troop of 5 girls that are in 8th and 9th grade.

-They just completed their Silver Award. They saw a need in their community for mental health and middle schoolers. They did research and put on a mental health workshop for middle schoolers that included a counselor and stations.  They also built a website and created a video. You can find it all here at No More Moping, Do More Coping

-Because of Covid- they have still been active, but there was a little more money in their cookie money account to cover this trip.

To prepare for this trip girls did research on different things that they wanted to do while in New York.  This was a girl-led, girl-run trip!

There were 5 girls and 3 adults that traveled. I am also first aid, CPR, and lifeguard certified along with all the other training required to travel with girls.


The overall trip cost about $1450 per girl- The troop paid $1250 and the girls paid $200
This Covered:
-Metro Pass
-Taxi to and from airport-hotel
-New York Pass
-The Met
-The Rockettes

Breakfast was in the hotel and lunch was on their own.

Block Planning

Our girls chose ALL the things- but Jen (one of the amazing moms) put it all together! Not only did she put it all together she helped us with which Metro Stations. 

You can find our schedule here

The green on the block planning means that we have paid for it, or if we don't show up and check in we will be charged for it.

Favorites (remember- these were all researched by the girls on what they wanted to see and do)

After doing research we found that the New York Pass was going to give us the best bang for our buck. Some of the things you could make reservations for are times. The New York Pass covered you unless you didn't show up.  If you did not show up and check in then they charged the card on file.

Our favorites were

-Bridging on the Brooklyn Bridge! We had our own bridging ceremony.  Girls just kept their vests in their backpacks.  I also chose to bring my nice camera with me to grab pictures.  I am SO thankful that I did!

-The Rockettes- this was not part of the New York Pass, but we were able to get group rates because we bought an extra ticket (which was still a better rate than regular tickets)

-Seeing New York from the Top of a building during the day and also at Night.

We did Top of the Rock during the day and Empire State Building for the Night

-Rockefeller Center Tour was fantastic!! One of the things I wanted to do was the Today Show.. and it just didn't fit into our schedule and they still had some Covid restrictions (or their website said that) Honestly- after all the walking and how jam-packed our days were I don't know if I would have been able to make it! BUT- we were on our Tour and I looked up and I thought I recognized the back of a head, saw a security guard, and walked a little faster.  Sure enough- it was Hoda Kotb I tapped her on her shoulder and said, I am with a Girl Scout troop from Texas, we love you.. can we have a selfie!

-The Catacombs Tour at the Basilica of St. Patrick's Old Cathedral was a great tour and super informative

-The Met had an awesome docent-led tour.

-Of course, we made it to Girl Scout Central!

Things to Know/Ideas/Other Thoughts

-We only took a carry-on and a backpack.  We didn't want to take luggage all across New York (Thank you Jen for encouraging this!)  These packing cubes from Amazon were a lifesaver

-The metro pass is amazing- We got a 7-day pass.  We needed  8 tickets, and that was part of the cost of the trip- however, buying at the actual metro station we could only use one credit card for 2 tickets! Thank goodness I had other adults that could help buy the other tickets. 

-Although we are a small group-we still wanted to make sure that everyone had a chance to be a buddy.  Rather than me choosing buddies for the day- I had an app do it for me! I used the app called Team Shake  This way the girls knew it wasn't me making the buddies for the day. Although we traveled together, the buddy system was for when we were walking (we DID NOT walk in buddies- because you don't do that in New York!) but our buddies were close to each other and would always do checks.  This was also great for pictures.  We encouraged the buddies for the day to be the picture taker for the other one.  

-We had the girls come up with their own Code of Conduct.  These are things they usually do anyway- but it is a good reminder- because you get tired, cranky.. and hormones! You can find our code of conduct here

-We usually communicate with parents of the troop by using Group Me- but we have also created a Group Me for the girls as well (that parents are in) so they could easily get a hold of us.

-Walk with Purpose- this was the saying that I used the WHOLE time we were in New York! Wear comfortable shoes and be ready to walk (and if you are taking the metro... walk flights of stairs)

-We didn't have very good success with the walking tours that were in our pass.  The first one was a Broadway walking tour in Times Square.  There was something going on- and the tour guide ended up losing us! The second one that we had signed up for was a SoHo, Little Italy, China Town tour- this one the girls decided they didn't want to walk anymore (and it was also the coldest day!) Both the tours we checked into to ensure our space was covered (and we wouldn't be charged double)

-Food- pizza is easy (and amazing) Juniors was a good place and so was the TickTock Diner.  We did have a NICE dinner one evening at Emilio Ballato-it was pricy- but it was AMAZING.  Our girls wanted to have one nice evening dinner- and this one did not disappoint.  They do not take reservations, and because of the size of our group we were automatically family-style. 

There were a few things that we didn't make it to, but there is so much that we did do! On the last day, we took the Metro to Natural History Museum and walked through Central Park to get to the Met.  Our feet were tired, we were tired, and it was our last day.  My co-leader mentioned to the girls that this was on their list of things they wanted to do.  The response back from one of the girls- Yes, this what we chose-but we chose this when we had slept 10 hours the night before, had not walked 7 to 9 miles for the past 3 days, and were eating Panera chocolate crescents as we planned.  We all laughed SO hard at this.

I have so many memories that I am going to cherish from this amazing adventure.  There are times when I get so sad that I do not have kids of my own, but because of these troops, I am able to have experiences that I would not have otherwise.  I am forever grateful that their families trust me to lead them and also go on adventures with them!  I know my other troop has Georgia and then overseas in their plans.

I leave you with my favorite picture (and now my profile pic on many of my accounts) that one of the girls took for me... on the steps of the New York Public Library!