Friday, July 12, 2024


 What a whirlwind of a year last year was.  Did I Pause as in stop doing everything I usually do- that would be a negative.  I don't do well sitting still.  Did I Pause and not get so overwhelmed last year and enjoy the small things- YES!

As I have written before, I choose a word of the year in May or June.  This year, my word came to me a little sooner. 

As many of my readers know- I am a school librarian.  If you have been keeping up with things in education.. you know that it has been pretty tough between budget cuts and more expectations.  In April my district had major budget cuts and librarians were one of them.  We have gone from one librarian per campus to a librarian for two campuses.  My role will be a little different as I will be a librarian at a high school and a flexible floater in order to support the district.  

To say that I am nervous.. I absolutely am.  BUT.. this is also where my word came in.  My word for this year is Adventure.

I started off BIG with this word this summer! I had the chance to chaperone an AMAZING trip to Japan with a group of almost 70 people.  It was my first time to travel to a different country.  In July my adventure was to see my best friend in Virginia.   My current adventure is teaching swim lessons and water aerobics at an outdoor pool.

As I begin my 20th year in my current district.. and my 23rd in education I am going to look at this challenge as an adventure.  Life can be so very tough... but it is okay to find adventures and the good in your life daily.  I also am going to look at this year as ADVENTURE to advocate for reading, libraries, and librarians.

The theme for my library this year- Reading Rainbow! More info to come soon.

What is your word for this year?

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