Wow! These weeks are just flying by! I can't believe that it is almost the end of the year. I have already started making a list of the things that I want to do during the summer... and even more.. I have started making a list of the things I want to do with kids next year! I have to say.. to keep myself organized I am loving my Uncalendar-
Anyway, yesterday I participated in my 3rd DENvirtcon (Discover Education Network Virtual Conference)... but it was my First to present! I presented over Are You up for the Challenge and shared how I am using Tech challenges for teachers, classrooms and students. Would you like all my resources.. check out my Livebinder
During my session I proposed a #DENvirtcon Mission! One of my favorite challenges I have done with adults is from Wesley Fryer is the 5 Photo Story- Find out about it here
Check out some people that took on the challenge!
Loved that people took on the challenge and did it their own way!
I hosted an event at my school, picked up donuts had out the DEN Swag and got ready for an AWESOME day of learning!
Top 3 reasons I love the DENvirtcon 3. I get to choose my own learning... and on my own time! There were SO many amazing sessions offered. My weekends get so busy.. so I love that I can require myself to get some amazing PD. I could watch a Live event.. or choose to watch an archived one. 2. The people I get to meet! It is awesome to hangout with people face 2 face, but I also love that I can collaborate with people virtually. Check out the #DENvirtcon hashtag for some great conversations!
The number 1 reason I love the #DENvirtcon
1. The INSPIRATION I get from hearing from other people that are in my shoes.. and doing some awesome things!
One of my favorite speakers! I LOVE the stories that Elaine Plybon shares
Thanks for the awesome lunch!
The Irving F2F crew
Thank you to all the DEN crew and a HUGE thank you goes out to Steve Dembo and Chad Lehman for answering all of my crazy silly questions and putting on a great day! Even though there were a few tech glitches.. that gave our f2f group time to discuss the different things we had learned... and an opportunity to catch up on the Twitter feed (which was FLYING!) Thanks for the lunch, learning and fun! I can't wait until next year!
Did you attend the #DENvirtcon? What was your big take away?
Not going to lie.. biggest highlight of the day- Jane McGonigal favorited one of my tweets. and then responded to it!
I know I have been absent in blogging lately. It is testing season at school and my to do list is huge... but I haven't been the most productive!
Hubby and I did have a chance to visit the bluebonnets (was a little sad that we are missing Wolfgang, but I know that he is watching down from doggy Heaven)
This week, however, marks National Infertility Awareness Week. I know that I use this blog for educational thoughts, but I wanted to share a more personal note to help raise awareness. Much like with my weight loss blogs I have posted, I want to start off with I am VERY happy with who I am and where I stand in life. I am also VERY happy for all my friends that have their own families (now.. in reality.. I do have some sad times.. but I am allowed those, right?)
When I was in my late teens/early 20's I was diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) Feel free to read up on it, I won't go into all the details... other than it affects my sugars (which makes it hard to lose weight) and affects my hormones which makes it hard to become pregnant. My husband and I have been married for almost 9 years (I can't believe that this summer is 9 years!) and for 8 of those we have tried to start a family off and on. Our trials have been through trials of Clomid, injections, weight loss, and tears of feeling like less of a woman because I can not have children easily. We have spent thousands of dollars to try to start our little family. This last summer, because of my weight loss, I finally had some progress with the Clomid medication, but when the 3rd month came around... it was no longer showing that it was being effective. I am grateful for the friends that understand this hard journey... because honestly I do judge myself often.
You can find more information on this infographic here
I have 2 favorite videos when talking about infertility: What If (and I ask myself this often, there are so many What If questions when thinking about starting a family)
On a final note.. wherever my children might come from, I know that I have had the opportunity to work with some amazing children over my career. I might not be a true mother, but I do know the love of a child. Take heart to those that struggle to start a family.