This week I head to the Texas Library Association Conference which I am SUPER excited about! Number 22 on my #50by50 list is to present at this conference! I made this #50by50 list so I could document the experiences I wanted to have and goals for myself.
This week is also National Infertility Week. You can find more information here. I think the last time I shared my story was in 2019. You can find that blog here with all the different links to previous blogs. As always, I write these blogs to share my own journey to where I am and what it looks like. I have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) When my husband and I first got married we tried to start our family. I have shed SO many tears over so much heartache. I have often felt betrayed by my own body for why it can not do the things that I feel it should do. We spent thousands of dollars and did lots of treatments and lots of medication. We never got to the IVF stage, because that was not in our journey. We have now been married for almost 17 years and as I have grown older (and hopefully wiser) I realize one of the biggest things I was worried about was experiences.
These last two weeks have really helped me reflect on why I wanted kids. I wanted kids to be able to grow into contributing members of society. I wanted kids to be able to go to band concerts, choir concerts, athletic games, or anything that they wanted to be a part of. I wanted to be able to listen to what they were going through and help them grow through it. I wanted to see them dressed in matching PJs at Christmas. I wanted to be able to travel with them and go on adventures. I wanted to be able to have a group of moms where all of our kids hung out together. This list could go On and On.
But, as I was reflecting on the many reasons I wanted kids, I realized I just kept going on the experiences that I wanted. Sometimes, something is staring you right in the face. I know that I won't have the experiences as an official "mom" or "parent" but I have been able to have experiences because of the activities that I attend at school- I go to the games- I go to the concerts- I want those kids to see me the stands and know that I am supporting them. I am able to have experiences because of traveling and watching kids grow through my Destination ImagiNation teams (did I mention that they are going to Globals)
But- most of my experiences have come through my Girl Scout Troops. Girl Scouts is so important to me to help girls grow- but my two troops are a whole different level.